Friday, April 29, 2011

There is a favorite place

Stone peoples Lodge....pachemama's womb....This is the place I find peace...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I like to help people

I like to do permanent piercings or ones with jewelry but I also like to help people suspend and do temporary piercings for ritual purpose...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This is me on a really good day

Your know the expression "open your heart" well not only is it a great lyric from a 80's Madonna song....but it is also what happens when you put hooks in your chest and fall back....

Sunday, April 24, 2011


This "beauty" thing plagues the woman of this culture and forces us to feel insecure about our faces, bodies, skin tone, everything....It makes it hard to imagine raising a little girl to be comfortable and confident if their body, face or skin if it is not featured on the cover of a magazine. It makes me want to hide in a jungle somewhere while I teach her about beauty and light from the soul and hope that she never hears the chants of the school girls saying "you're fat or you are ugly". I pray that she knows that beauty is everywhere and in everyone and that some things that make others cringe are traits to be proud of.....In my heart I am a little girl in Africa with flowers in her hair....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

This is what happens to your boobs if you breastfeed for two years

Its a very sad day when you realize that you have saggy boobs....all the sacrafice for the good of the child has taken its toll on the body you once knew....alas I wish my boobs where at least small and deflated in stead of huge and deflated....but more importantly when will I get sensation back?...I just want to feel them again...

All boob talk aside...check out the filtrum piercing on this bad ass chick....some girls have the best lips

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Two is the perfect number

So I want another one...but I am not attached to the act of birthing. I would like to adopt, I think adopting is its own sacred ceremony and I am eager to experience it as I was to give birth....I know that there are plenty of amazing babies or children who would love to have me as the mommy and Xochitl as the big sister

Nice People

My kid feeds her animals....she shares her food or offers them her tit...sometimes she offers them my tit....It is pretty cool and amazing that the concept of sharing in our household is so strong that I never get to eat all of favorite days are when she wants to share her dad's bacon and not mine. She is a constant reminder of who I wanna be when I grow up.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Piercing a babies ears

So for Christmas, Xochitl received her first filagree earrings made of solid 14k gold. This is a special pair of earrings because they are basically family heirlooms...for young Mexican girls these earrings were a show of value and wealth and although they are not that for us...they certainly show Xochitl that she is a special girl who has special jewelry, just like her mama. In the past few years I have been very vocal about the fact that I comfortably pierce the ears of babies, many piercers are not comfortable with this , as they feel it is non-consensual. I, however, come from a long line of women ( mexican women) that have had their ears pierces as early as 2 weeks old, so needless to say it is a tradition. I believe in tradition. I believe in culture and as my good friend Blake says Culture equals consent. and I add Tradition equals permission. I even have a technique to get these little ones done in a quick and simple way. It is my opinion that if you are going to want to get your daughter or sons ears pierced, it is ultimately safer and better to pierce them while they are infants. There is nothing worse than a 5 year old who thinks she understands what is going on and then realizes that she hates you and leaves with one ear pierced. But alas, I will pierce kids of all ages as I am the best option for them and the mall is not.

The photos I rarely show

First off there are just not that many photos of me and my daughter...mostly because my husband is just negligent like that and also because I am the most unphotogenic person on the planet. This was an awesome day with Sarah and Brayden....After a melt down visit with Santa Claus, we had a free horse and carriage ride

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So this SMILE

This Smile heals all wounds and I know that sounds a little over the top but it act so simple and so perfect...sends off a positive vibration that opens up parts of me that I forgot or didn't know existed and lays a warmth over it that takes away lingering negative vibrations....

Try it...close your open and let the smile into your soul....

More Catch up

If you were wondering who the cutest baby of all times was and had not yet come up with an answer....Her name is Xochitl and thats SOOOOO case the press needs to be alerted.She does cruise around naked a lot but mostly because she knows how to go to the bathroom by herself but can not remove a diaper with out assistance. So in order to give her the freedom to choose when she has to go to the bathroom, she remains without constraint..

Speaking of CHILD,

Holiday Outfits....My family stinks like vintage clothing

These are the fricken cutest people in all of Colorado and I love them....These moments I often think are cheesy...I find myself grasping into the unknown for.....

And Its hard to keep writing when you have a running child

So I have become inspired again to write and I decided to open up my blog to a wider spectrum of me and all of my weirdness and not necessarily limit my self to rants and raves in regards to my awesome child...but I want to address the entire mom project from top to bottom...including but not limited to what is going on with the Xochitl Beans....
Although she is really all I think about these days....but maybe not ALL I think about...Lately I have been thinking about...Dads,work, art, food etc....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I just read the most awesomest shit

I was reading through a ridiculous journal i kept in 9th its a dizzy...I was rambling about some boy...saying hooowwww cute he was and I actually wrote "He is so fine and I am so not worthy.. wait...Yes I am" It was pretty fab to hear myself be so confident.
This photo is not me in 9th grade, it was when I was in 5th or 6th grade, whenever purple rain was the box office hit( hehehe)This is an official pre-modification shot. The next few years got crazy.