Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OMG!!! Where is my belly button?

Thank goodness, there are no stretch marks yet.....but this is my belly and slowly my belly button is morphing out. I have never seen the inside of my belly button until now.


This is Russell trying his daddy calming bouncing techniques on our Georgie. She loves being bounced by her daddy, little does she know this might be the only time she gets to indulge before daddy is really busy.

Nothing Fits

This is how I am the most comfortable, bra-less, mis-matched stretchy skirts and near my bed. But I am super happy and feeling baby bean more than ever. Bean's head is down and laying to the left. Tonight we start classes for the home birth and we are lucky enough to have them in our gallery next door.

Oh Geez

OK this is getting crazy crowded, This picture is at 33 weeks and There are no good pictures. So this is me sitting at my desk.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sleeping Madness

This is the only position that seems to be comfortable and for those of you who are curious my belly tattoo is getting bigger daily. Overall I feel really great and Russell is taking amazing care of me and getting the house ready for baby times ahead. We are reading all the books and talking about all the decisions. We are preparing for a home birth and we are really excited. We are doing so many things to prepare, so if you have any advice for preparations....Let us know.

Monday, July 20, 2009


This is me at 26 weeks and my guts have been intruded upon. Sleeping is a challenge and I can only eat a little bit at a time as there is no room. I have only gained 11 lbs and it is all belly and boobs. The Bean is officially the Scot-Mexican Jumping Bean, moving most of all days and nights. You can not only feel he or she move but you can see it....very alien like.

LETS JUMP A-HEAD (hehehe!)

This is the BEAN Head around 18 Weeks or 4 1/2 months. I was very impressed with the ultrasound because it could tell me many things about the baby including chambers of the heart and numbers of fingers and toes ( which were all accounted for). The ultrasound technician had to work very hard to conceal the gender of the BEAN as we are excited to be surprised at birth. I did see all other parts that were important.


I almost forgot to introduce the Mommy and Daddy-to-be, That is me and my Russell Stuart Lang. We are an unlikely pair but we had instant chemistry and share many common passions which include country music, records, thrift stores, outdoors, being weird and our new found love, Bean farming.

Freaky Face Ultrasound

I love this one because you can see Bean's skull, which is freaky for some people but cool for me because I love calaveras.

Growing a Bean

Most of the time I am not a big fan of technology but in the early stages of pregnancy, these pictures were just the proof we needed to wrap our heads around the journey that lies ahead. Russell and I were so excited to see our little baby in its early stages. I believe this is a picture at 12 weeks, which means actual bean size.

Bean's First Photo